Living Dungeon World Wiki


Ash-hammer was a Dwarven fighter, sworn to the god Ashosh. He gave his life to save the life of the mage Xeno during the The Dread Lord Assault  in the Winter of 355. He left in his will some confusing and eccentric instructions, some of which thankfully could not be carried out before Ash-heart sent a message to Mithrasia changing certain parts of it.

Upon his death he ascended to heavan to fight at the side of his brother, Ash-heart.

He owned a house in Whitmouth which has passed to his tenant, Asha.

The dwarf was raised as a slave to elven masters from infancy. Ash-hammer took part in a great slave revolt to avenge the deaths of his wife and daughter. Since then he travelled the world hunting elven slavers. He wielded the great hammer Chainbreaker, which is now in the keeping of the Church of Ashosh.

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